Data Driven Testing in Selenium using JXL (Part 2)

We learned what is Data driven testing and how we can use JXL to read data from Excel Sheets in Part 1 of our previous post. But the greatest question of the day is, how to use JXL for data driven testing ? How can I use this in my Selenium framework which I have? What are the steps which has to be taken care to make my framework a data driven framework?

Well, for this I don’t want to bore you guys with lot of theoretical contents which you can always find some way or other, but I would like to show the real working code.

In order to perform data driven testing, all we need to do is create a reusable library file just for Excel using JXL. The library file need to have following basic functionality in hand, let say

Step 1 : Create a library file with all the below mentioned functionality

1. Open Excel Sheet

2. Read Excel Sheet Row Count

3. Read Cell value from a specified location

4. Create a Dictionary to store Excel Sheet Column name

5. Create a function to read from the Dictionary

The Source code looks like this.

 * Author : Karthik KK
 * Description: Reusable Library file to perform Excel related operations
 * Date : 01/28/2012
package DataDriver;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import jxl.Cell;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.Workbook;

public class ExcelSheetDriver {

	static Sheet wrksheet;
	static Workbook wrkbook =null;
	static Hashtable dict= new Hashtable();
	//Create a Constructor
	public ExcelSheetDriver(String ExcelSheetPath) throws BiffException, IOException
		wrkbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(ExcelSheetPath));
		//For Demo purpose the excel sheet path is hardcoded, but not recommended :)
		wrksheet = wrkbook.getSheet("Sheet1");

	//Returns the Number of Rows
	public static int RowCount()
		return wrksheet.getRows();

	//Returns the Cell value by taking row and Column values as argument
	public static String ReadCell(int column,int row)
		return wrksheet.getCell(column,row).getContents();

	//Create Column Dictionary to hold all the Column Names
	public static void ColumnDictionary()
		//Iterate through all the columns in the Excel sheet and store the value in Hashtable
		for(int col=0;col < wrksheet.getColumns();col++)
			dict.put(ReadCell(col,0), col);

	//Read Column Names
	public static int GetCell(String colName)
		try {
			int value;
			value = ((Integer) dict.get(colName)).intValue();
			return value;
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			return (0);




Next we are going to create actual test file which is going to perform intended operation, here we are going to perform Gmail login functionality.

Step 2: Create a TestNG Class file to perform Gmail Login

This TestNG class file should include

1. Opening a browser with Gmail

2. Perform User Name and password entry with different combinations of value by reading from Excel sheet

Source Code looks like this

package DataDriver;

 * Author : Karthik KK
 * Description: To perform Gmail Login using Data driven approach
 * Date : 01/28/2012


import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class ReadDataTest {

  //Global initialization of Variables
  static ExcelSheetDriver xlsUtil;
  WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

  //Constructor to initialze Excel for Data source
  public ReadDataTest() throws BiffException, IOException
		//Let's assume we have only one Excel File which holds all Testcases. weird :) Just for Demo !!!
	    xlsUtil = new ExcelSheetDriver("D:\\Data.xls");
	    //Load the Excel Sheet Col in to Dictionary for Further use in our Test cases.

  public void EnvironmentalSetup()

   * Author : Karthik KK
   * Description : To Perform login operation in Gmail
  public void GmailLoginPage() throws InterruptedException {

	  //Create a for loop.. for iterate through our Excel sheet for all the test cases.
	  for(int rowCnt = 1;rowCnt < xlsUtil.RowCount();rowCnt++)

		  //Enter User Name by reading data from Excel
		  WebElement userName = driver.findElement("Email"));
		  userName.sendKeys(xlsUtil.ReadCell(xlsUtil.GetCell("EmailUserName"), rowCnt));

		  //Enter Password
		  WebElement password = driver.findElement("Passwd"));
		  password.sendKeys(xlsUtil.ReadCell(xlsUtil.GetCell("Emailpassword"), rowCnt));

		  //Click on the Sign In Button
		  WebElement signin = driver.findElement("signIn"));;

		  //Sleep for some time,so that we can see things in action @ Screen :)



Step 3: Create a actual Excel Sheet which holds the data to be supplied in TestNG class in above step

Just create a Excel sheet, which looks something like this.


Step 4 : Try executing the code

Just try executing the code, Note in the above code I have place excel sheet in my D:\ drive, you can place it anywhere in machine and change the same in code.

Your Gmail screen looks like this at the end of test by executing all the above test data’s



Well you can download the full working source code from here

That’s it !!!

Happy coding.

Karthik KK


Data driven testing In Selenium using JXL (Part 1)

In my first post in Guvi blog, I would like to write one of the common scenario which we will encounter while working with Selenium and during framework development, which is getting data from external source (data driven testing).

We can get data from either excel sheet, database tables, XML or even CSV files, but in this post we are going to discuss about getting data from excel sheet. Note that all these operations we are going to do with Selenium Core (JAR) but not with Selenium IDE, since Selenium IDE itself has lot of limitations as shown below.

Selenium IDE Limitations

  • Using Conditional Statements
  • Using External Data
  • Logging
  • Exception handling
  • Reporting etc

But wait, what if I just need to store some of the application properties like Object Name, Application Window name, global properties etc, do I need to use the data sources you are talking about ?

Well, the answer is Yes or No, depending upon the complexity of your application, if your application has very few objects and their properties to be identified are very minimal, you can use “Property file” instead.

Here is the sample code to read data from Sample file in JAVA.

public void ReadProperty() throws IOException {
	  System.out.println("In Read Property....");
	  //Create Property Object
	  Properties p = new Properties();
            //Load the Property file available in same package
            //Give the propery name to access
	  String propName = p.getProperty("name");
            //Output the property value


Now if your application becomes very complex and you rely each and every data to be driven from external data sources, then you SHOULD use data sources like Excel, Database table etc.

Here we are going to talk about driving data from Excel sheet using JXL (JAVA EXCEL API). You can read more about JXL from the site, but for now, let’s consider JXL is an API to read and write data from Excel Sheets. We are going to use JXL’s Excel as our Dataprovider to read data from external data source. There are some other API available to read and write data from excel sheet like POI-HSSF and POI-XSSF , but we are going to deal only with JXL here.

Before getting started with JXL coding, let’s get to know some basic steps of how to read data from Excel sheet, below is the diagrammatic representation.


Well, here is how the code to start working with JXL.

Lets go with the diagrammatic representation.

Step 1

import java.util.Date;
import jxl.*; 

Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("C:\\data.xls"));

Step 2

Open worksheet

Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("sheet1");

We can also give the index of sheet as

Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);

Step 3

Read the data from Excel Cell

String value = sheets.getCell(Column, Row).getContents();

Here Column is the column number and row is the row number from the cell which you are interested to read data.

Step 4

Now close the worksheet


That’s it !!!

Karthik KK


A cool Intro about Selenium Testing Tool

Introduction to Selenium Testing tool

Selenium is all about Testing Web Apps

Selenium is  automation testing tool especially for web based applications. It can run in different browsers and platforms. It has many components

  • Selenium Remote Control (RC)rc
  • Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)ide
  • Selenium Web Driverwd
  • Selenium GridgridIt supports many platform and multiple Operating Systems. It supports multiple languages like Java, C#, Python, PHP, Perl.langIt is independent of the language of the web application i.e., if we have written web application in perl, we can write the test script using java.

    Do you know how selenium got this name?

    Jason Huggins invented this selenium; prior name of the selenium was “JavaScript Test Runner”


    Jasson Huggins

    The name Selenium comes from a joke made by Huggins in an email, mocking a competitor named Mercury, saying that you can cure mercury poisoning by taking selenium supplements. The others that received the email took the name and ran with it



    Image courtesy:

     Mercury Interactive Corp developed QTP, later the company was acquired by Hewlett Packard and Selenium is a very good antinode for mercury poisoning. So Jasson suggested this name.

    How Jasson got this idea?bulb

    Jasson was working in ThoughtWorks, in a project, he came across a situation where he should do repetitive tests and got bored, so he wrote a JavaScript that controls browser’s actions automatically

    Same Origin Policy

    In each and every domain we have many applications (Fig 1.1,1.2), so include a security feature same origin policy states that JavaScript cannot access WebElements of Web application in other domain. Fig 1.3 states clearly that cannot be accessed from JS written in Google


    Fig 1.1


    Fig 1.2


    Fig 1.3

    Selenium Remote Control (RC)

    For executing test, scripts web server and web app should be made available in local computer. So to solve this issue, Paul Hammant created a server that will act as HTTP proxy to trick the browser believing that selenium core and the web app tested from same domain.


    Paul Hammant

    Selenium Grid

                    For Largest test suite (group of test cases) and slower running test suites, Patrick Lightbody introduced a new concept called “Selenium Grid”. In his idea, parallel execution of test cases in different browsers and environment can be done so that it greatly reduces the time to execute the all the test cases.


    Patrick Lightbody

    Selenium IDE

    The selenium IDE is developed as a Firefox plugin by Shinya kasatani of japan. He mainly created this for non-programmers; it has record and playback option. Execution speed also increased and he donated this project to selenium project in 2006.


    Shinya kasatani

    Selenium WebDriver

    Selenium Web Driver is the only thing that controlled browser actions from OS level and it is developed by Simon Stewart.  Others tools like IDE, RC utilizes the selenium core in the browser as their important thing.


    Simon Stewart 

    Catch you at upcoming post, until then lets share and learn at